We hit our third month of DTE. I have to say this past month has had a lot of emotional up and downs. The struggle of the unknown is very hard for me. I know God is doing a work on our hearts. Starting out we knew our wait was going to be at least 12 months if not longer of waiting, however since we have upped our age range and added the possibility of a sibling it has moved us up in those areas and made this wait be unpredictable and feel forever longer.
Its actually really ironic because one among the many reasons we choose international adoption is there is a timeline and a waiting list. You are matched with a child thru a very lengthy process but in the type of domestic adoption we were looking into you wait for a birth mother to choose you so there is no waiting list, just she chooses you or not. Somehow I thought we would have more control in that....haha! I know God just gave a smirk because he is the one who matches us in the first place....and here we are now adopting thru Ethiopia with such a broad range we could have one child who is five or two siblings age one and ten!
Here is the latest breakdown of our numbers.....
(Out of those nine we are the only family that is open all the
way up to one child age 10 and age 5).
(Out of those 5 only 6 are requesting boys so we
are really #6 in line for a child 48 months and only
2 families are open to a five or six year old so we are
really #2 for a five or six year old).
So when you start looking at siblings and older children as you can see, the need is
To help keep sanity in our house, I am back to reading a few verses and meditating on them in the morning and limiting myself to electronic media ( I