Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Time slips away....

This is not my official "DTE update" but I am thinking of time lines. I am so thankful that we have such supportive friends and family. It warms my heart when each one of you ask how our adoption is going and our movement. It is depressing sad to say that our agency has had no referrals in August so I have nothing to report as of today. However, please keep asking and acknowledging our process. Not a hour day goes by that I don't obsess think about our future Ethiopian child(ren) and pray for them so it feels so good to know that you are thinking about it too!

Since there is no movement in the adoption front I thought I would share with you what we have been doing to keep from going crazywith anticipation ourselves busy.

I enjoyed the month of July off and then returned back to Lebanon High School August 1st. I Love watching how my awkward freshman become confident sophomores, my sophomores getting it in gear and going into juniors and my juniors awed and the possibilities they now have as seniors and then meeting all my new freshman and their families. As a counselor in the schools I have such a unique relationships with teens in our community, I am so thankful God placed me there!

Geno is still hard at work and finished up teaching a class with some new solders. He started running this summer and I have to brag and say....I have one HOT hubbie who can run a 5k in under 23 minutes! Oh yea....We also celebrated our 9th year of marriage. Man does time slip away!

Our three homegrown kids continue to do just that...GROW! Kellsie finally learned how to swim, Jacob spent some good time with his mom and Saria had a great time running cross country and actually ran a half marathon. Yes- my 13 year old daughter ran over 13.1 miles! Oh yea....

And I just calculated I have five years left until Jacob and Saria are ready to go out into the world themselves and Kellsie will be their time really slips away!

1 comment:

  1. Very fun to read and get caught up. I'll be praying for God's timing in your adoption. There is an African child (or children) who are going to be very lucky someday. Love you.

    -Julie Akers
