Saturday, December 14, 2013

Wherever you go I will follow.....will you??????

Today I was so inspired as I read several posts from a few of my girlfriends. They are attending a conference for Christian women who had the same heart for injustice and Jesus as I do. Reading their comments brought up the passion that I have found these past few years. I struggle in my day to day walk and choosing to purposefully share my faith and my conviction for helping where it is needed but today I was reminded ! 

With this renewed sense of purpose, I persued the blogs of my favorite author and speaker, Jen Hatmaker, I came upon a conference I would sacrifice Starbucks coffee for a year to attend (seriously).  This 2-day gathering will address the question IF God is real... THEN what? How do we live? How do we unify and dream for the name of Christ in our generation from our unique places? They are bringing diverse voices and artists together for a conversation focused on Christ. If:gathering praying this conference will satisfy a longing to return to what is deep and simple and pure about life and faith."  It is February 7th and 8th and has an star collection of women speakers and authors (who may or maynot be on my friend crush list-women who I imagine could be my best friends whenever I hear or read about them but in reality they may not even know I exists) 
 However, not only is this conference in Austin, but it booked a mear hour or so after registration opened. But...there is a way to still be part of the conference! 

The IF team wants women around the world to be able to participate. They are going to make the IF: Gather a simulcast where women around the globe can gather together to listen and grow together.  Simple, pure, deep and humble are the words used to describe the conference and we can do it here in Lebanon! 

want the women of Lebanon to hear God speak to each and every one of us in this event. I see a group of women from various life paths, in different stages of life, members of different churches coming together no bars hold, to flat out worship Jesus and change their hearts to seek his will. 

So I'm asking you, will you join me? Are you ready to gather your girlfriends, invite your co-workers, ask your MOPS group to come and join me in finding out what God is asking of you? Leave me a message below this post, message me on Facebook or email me if you too want to know If God is real....THEN what? 


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